Set the tone for a great night.

Booking with Heritage String Quartette
Be sure to look at all the information below before making a booking with us.
Step 1: Inquiry
Fill out our Inquiry form. Click here for that form. With this form we will email you a quoted prices within 48 hrs.
Step 2: Booking Confirmation Form
After you’ve received your quote, send in your booking confirmation form to finalize the details of your event and the quoted price.
Step 3: Music Repertoire List Form
Last step is confirming the music repertoire list emailed to you and completed and returned to HSQ at least 30 days before your event.
Performance Requirements
A chair for each musician with no armrest
Good light and space for the performance area.
Please provide refreshments for events longer than 1.5 hours, and a meal for any longer than 3 hours. 1 water bottle for each musician for outdoor events is greatly appreciated.
Please allow a break for any events lasting longer than 1.5 hours. The break can be scheduled to happen during speeches to coordinate with the schedule. The first break will occur after the first hour and will be for 10- 15 mins.
Shade and shelter from direct sunlight or rain is required
If raining, an alternate location must be organised within the same booking time and general area.
We don’t provide amplcaton for our string players.
String amplification isn’t needed unless there are more than 130 guests.
Yes, we do! Songs not listed on out website can potentially be arranged at an additional fee ( time permitted and confirmed at least 30 days before the event date).